Tia Kinsman is an artist and screen printer with a fondness of fantasy, the macabre, nature, and art nouveau. Exploration and personal interpretations of legends, fairy tales, and various religious mythologies or the occult are prevalent themes in her works. Bugs, skulls, and other flora/fauna are predominant subjects and heavily used as both symbolism and decoration. She enjoys using multiple mediums from her screen printing, to pen and ink, as well as watercolor work and even stained glass!
Born and raised in Central Massachusetts, her interests outside of creating include lurking in old cemeteries, fusion belly dance, renaissance faires, reading, and hiking. She has her partner, two bunnies, some carnivorous plants, and a hoard of skulls as studio mates.
Her current career goals are working towards developing relationships with galleries and exploring the field of freelance illustration on top of growing her screen printing work. She has an associates in Fine Arts and has mentored under Marc Scheff and Scott Fischer via SmArt School. She has also been a professional screen printer for the better part of a decade, which has grown from just a job to a mild obsession.
email: tkinsmanart@gmail.com